Taking motorcycle lessons in English with a specialist

Getting your motorcycle license quickly and safely with a pro: that's why you take motorcycle lessons at De Motortrainer. Vincent Gaus is a specialist who has many years of experience in training new motorcyclists, but also in training advanced drivers on the track, off-road and on the road. He gives your motorcycle career a kickstart, you'll learn more than just the required basic skills and you will soon be confident and well trained on the road.

With a personal plan, you'll work focused and structured towards your goal: your motorcycle license! The success rate of De Motortrainer is high, you can check that here.

Starting package €1375

When you start taking motorcycle lessons at De Motortrainer, you can choose to buy a starting package. This includes 10 x 1,5 hours of lessons  including practical exams (AVB + AVD). The costs for this package are €1375. You can also choose single lessons for €94 per lesson. Check all the rates below. (Price changes reserved)

At De Motortrainer, you'll learn to ride a bike on the Suzuki SV650A. There's a lowered motorcycle for smaller students (1.60 meters and taller) You can take lessons from Tuesday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 17h30 (start of the last lesson).

You'll get an earpiece so De Motortrainer can talk to you while driving. He'll always follow you on his own motorcycle, never by car.

5 star rating

Students describe Vincent Gaus (De Motortrainer) as a skilled and passionate instructor with a personal teaching style. His love for the bike is called contagious. Vincent is known for his peace of mind, focus, clear explanation and the art of estimating exactly where you are and what you need to become a good motorcyclist. Read their reviews here.

Booking a trial lesson
1,5 hours  | € 85

    Do you have a car driving license valid in NL?

    Do you have experience with gear shifting on two-wheelers?

    Getting your motorcycle license in English: how does it work?

    Let's get started

    To start taking motorcycle lessons in English at De Motortrainer, you need a valid car driving license or a Dutch theory certificate for motorcycle. At De Motortrainer, you need to be 21 years or older. You can check if your foreign car license is valid in The Netherlands at RDW.

    If you have a valid car license, you can start right away and get your motorcycle theory later in the process. Otherwise you need to get your theory before you can start taking motorcycle lessons.

    Getting your theory certificate

    At CBR, you have to take the theory exam. You can do this in English. For that, you need to book an exam with an interpreter (ATH-I-T). First, you plan the exam at CBR. Next, you book the interpreter. If you have a car license, you still need to take the theory exam. 

    These are helpful learning materials in English.

    Practical exams

    First, we'll focus on vehicle control skills to work towards the first practical exam (AVB). Once you get your AVB, we'll focus on driving skills on the road to work towards the traffic participation exam (AVD). 

    For AVB and AVD, you don't need an exam with a translator, like you do for your theory exam. At the AVB exam, usually the examiner gives the instructions in English. If not, they'll let your motorcycle instructor do it. During the AVD exam, you'll be wearing an earpiece while being followed by the examiner and your motorcycle instructor in a car. You will get the instructions via radio contact in English.

    Once you've passed the three exams, you'll get your license.




    Starting package (10 x 1,5 hours lessons + practical exams) € 1375
    Starting package (15 x 1,5 hours lessons + practical exams) € 1800
    Package of 5 x 1,5 hours of lessons € 450
    Single lesson (1,5 hours)€ 94
    Single AVB-exam € 200
    Single AVD-exam€ 300
    Hourly rate€ 62,67
    Trial lesson (1,5 hours)€ 85

    Price changes reserved.

    Stuff you need to know as well

    Do you have questions? Start a chat in WhatsApp:

    Or contact Vincent Gaus on 06-51069711 or vincent@demotortrainer.nl